
This name Vijaya is used for both males and females. Vijaya was one of the hundred sons of Dhritarashtra. Vijaya also was the wife of the Pandava Sahadeva. Vijaya also was another name of Arjuna. Vijaya also is one of the thousand names of Vishnu.

One of the hundred sons of Dhritarashtra.

Duryodhana's younger brother. On the 12th day of war, Dhritarashtra’s sons, Durjaya, Jaya, and Vijaya, resisted Nila, and the ruler of the Kashis, and Jayatsena, three against. The combat between those warriors deepened and gladdened the hearts of the spectators like those between a lion, a tiger, and a wolf on the one side and a bear, a buffalo, and a bull on the other.

Pandava Sahadeva’s wife

Vijaya also was one of the two wives of Sahadeva, the other one being Draupadi. Vijaya was his maternal cousin. He obtained a son Suhotra from Vijaya.

Arjuna’s another name

One of the thousand names of Vishnu



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