
Chedi Chedi was an ancient Indian kingdom which fell roughly in the Bundelkhand division of the current state of Madhya Pradesh to the south of river Yamuna along the river Ken. Its capital city was called Suktimati in Sanskrit and Sotthivati-nagara in Pali. In Pali-language Buddhist texts, it is listed as one of the sixteen mahajanapadas (“great realms” of northern and central India). According to…

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Chekitana Chekitana (चेकितान) was a Vrishini soldier hailing from Dwaraka, the capital of the Yadavas and an ally of the Pandavas. On the fifteenth day of Kurukshetra War, he saved Nakula from the clutches of Duryodhana. He was killed by Duryodhana on the final day of the war. He was son of Dhrishtaketu.

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