
Apsara An apsara, also spelled as apsaras (respective plurals apsaras and apsarases), is a type of female spirit of the clouds and waters in Hindu and Buddhist culture. They figure prominently in the sculpture, dance, literature and painting of many South Asian and Southeast Asian cultures. There are two types of apsaras; laukika (worldly), of whom thirty-four are specified, and daivika (divine), of…

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Adrika Adrika was a Apsara living in the waters of Yamuna transformed by a Brahmana’s curse into a fish. Vasu’s seed fell into the water from the claws of the hawk and Adrika rapidly approached and swallowed it at once. That fish was, some time after, caught by the fishermen. It…

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Artha Artha (Sanskrit: अर्थ) is one of the four aims of human life in Indian philosophy. The word artha literally translates as “meaning, sense, goal, purpose or essence” depending on the context. Artha is also a broader concept in the scriptures of Hinduism. As a concept, it has multiple meanings, all of which imply…

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[spacer height=”20px”] Arjuna tree Arjuna or Terminalia arjuna is a tree of the genus Terminalia. It is commonly known as Hole Matthi in Kannada. The arjuna grows to about 20–25 metres tall; usually has a buttressed trunk, and forms a wide canopy at the crown, from which branches drop downwards. It has oblong,…

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[spacer height=”20px”]       [spacer height=”20px”]     Ashoka trees The Ashoka tree, literally, “sorrow-less” or Saraca asoca is a plant belonging to the Caesalpinioideae subfamily of the legume family. It is an important tree in the cultural traditions of the Indian subcontinent and adjacent areas. It is sometimes incorrectly known as Saraca indica. The Ashoka is…

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Apsaras An apsara, also spelled as apsaras (respective plurals apsaras and apsarases), is a type of female spirit of the clouds and waters in Hindu and Buddhist culture. They figure prominently in the sculpture, dance, literature and painting of many South Asian and Southeast Asian cultures. There are two types of apsaras; laukika (worldly), of whom thirty-four are specified, and daivika (divine), of…

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Aditya Aditya is another name of Surya. Aditya is one of the thousand names of Vishnu. Aditya is also a weapon to dry the waters. Arjuna used this weapon in his fight with Shakuni on the 12th day of war for drying up the waters created by Shakuni’s illusions.

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Anuvinda Anuvinda was the twin brother of Vinda of Avanti. They were also addressed as Kekayas. They fought along side Duryodhana.  On the 12th day of war Vinda and Anuvinda of Avanti, with their troops encountered Virata, the ruler of Matsyas at the head of his forces, like Indra and…

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